Welcome Drinks

May 16
4:00 pm TO 6:00 pm

Cascais, Portugal

HINDU Ceremony

May 17
4:00 pm TO 10:00 pm

Nuncio Garden, Penha Longa Resort
Estrada da Lagoa Azul Linhó
Sintra, 2714-511

+351 21 924 9011


May 18
5:00 pm TO 12:00 am

Forte Da Cruz
R. Olivença 13
Estoril, 2765-262

Events are private

Please Log in

We would love to share a few drinks with you before the big weekend. Check-in to your accommodation, rest your eyes for 10 mins, and then come join us when you're ready.  

The bride & groom will leave at 6pm so try not to miss them. You then have your evening to yourself to explore Portugal.


Exact venue will be confirmed shortly but will be located in Cascais, a 15 min drive if you are staying in Sintra.




This event will not be professionally photographed, you're welcome to capture memories with your personal lens.

the hindu ceremony

It is in the presence and with the blessings of our family and friends, that we take seven steps before fire, signifying our union.
Our wedding ceremony will be conducted partially in Sanskrit and translated to English.

Our ceremony will take place in Nuncio Garden, which dates back to the XVI century where it was used as a place for contemplation. It's now a UNESCO heritage site, situated within the Penha Longa Resort in Sintra.

Please note, the event start/end times are just a guide for now and will be confirmed in 2024. The ceremony will be in the afternoon/early evening.

Dress Code

Traditional Indian.

We encourage you to immerse yourself in our Hindu culture and traditions, welcoming any questions you may have along the way. Please see some helpful links below:

How To Wear A Sari

A Guide On What To Wear To An Indian Wedding


In respecting Hindu traditions, this event will be vegetarian and non-alcoholic. 

Light refreshments will be served during the ceremony.

Following the wedding ceremony, a traditional South Indian Thali meal will be served. 


For guests staying at Penha Longa Resort, the garden is a 5 minute walk within the resort.

For guests staying elsewhere, shuttles will be organised to collect & return guests within the Sintra and Cascais areas.

Shuttle times and details will be shared closer to. 


This event will be captured via our photographer Tanya, therefore you can be present and enjoy the moment. Please inform us if you do not wish to be photographed. 


Hugs, laughs, tears, good speeches, the potential for some bad speeches, dancefloor caterpillars and sprinklers, we can't wait to experience it all with you. 

Our reception will take place in Forte De Cruz, situated on the Tamariz beach in Estoril.

Please note, the event start/end times are just a guide for now and will be confirmed in 2024. The ceremony start in the afternoon/early evening.

Dress Code


Suits, Dresses or Sari's. Whatever makes you feel your best. 


A traditional Portuguese dinner will be served with a selection of wines, beers, cocktails and spirits available. 


For guests staying in Cascais, you will be within close distance to the venue.

For guests staying in Sintra, this venue is approximately 15 minutes away.  A shuttle will be organised from Sintra to collect & return guests.

Shuttle times and details will be shared closer to.


This event will be captured via our photographer Tanya, therefore you can be present and enjoy the moment. Please inform us if you do not wish to be photographed.